Stake tokens to get DCU airdrop distribution data
Project Description:
Fort is a decentralized financial protocol (DeFi Metaverse), which can unify all financial applications and provide unlimited liquidity through the original concept of discounted computers and currency on the chain. Hedge App is the first decentralized financial application under the agreement. The current products include options and perpetual contracts. Its operation is simple, no handling fee is charged, and positions can be opened and settled at any time. DCU token is the entire protocol circulation token, which is issued and destroyed according to the behavior of participants.
Total distributed quantity: 4000000 DCU
Total participation: 301341877.8NEST, 23612162.12NEST, 2422643.39COFI, 222.05PETH
757448.31NHBTC, 829207.91PUSD
Total participation value: 7313418.70$
Staking contract address: 0xE3940A3E94bca34B9175d156a5E9C5728dFE922F
DCU token address: 0xf56c6ece0c0d6fbb9a53282c0df71dbfafa933ef
**Please collect the mainnet DCU tokens yourself.4 million tokens have been released, holders can now use DCU tokens to operate mainnet options or futures products (website:, and the trading interface is under development.